We are dedicated to discovering ways to work together, learn together, and support each other. We provide holistic programs and support services to empower students and connect them with the resources they need to achieve their goals.

Workshops   Online learning   Tutoring

Student Success Workshops & Resources

ACES Student Success Workshops are designed to provide students with an interactive experience to enhance their academic learning. All University of Illinois students are invited to attend. Dates and times are subject to change. All workshops are held in-person in the ACES Library Heritage Room. For questions, please contact aces-academics@illinois.edu.


Upcoming Workshops

Online Learning

Course Modalities

Your courses may vary in the modality or method by which the instructor has chosen to meet for class. The following is a list of terms that may be used to explain the way(s) the course will meet.

Face-to-face (F2F): The course will meet in person in an assigned space on campus. Your instructor may use distributed attendance so that the maximum number of people in the classroom does not exceed its capacity. Email your instructor if you are unsure if distributed attendance procedures will be used in your course. 

Synchronous: Everyone enrolled in the course will meet at the scheduled class time on an online meeting platform.  

Asynchronous: There is no scheduled meeting time and each person is responsible for keeping track of readings and assignments as scheduled for the course. 

Hybrid: A combination of F2F and online learning options may be used for the course. For example, in the case of a lecture/discussion or lecture-lab course, some instructors may utilize an online learning method for the lecture and have the option to meet F2F for the discussion or lab. 

Hyflex: This form of instruction utilizes all or most available options of blending learning. An instructor who uses a hyflex modality provides students the option to attend F2F, synchronously online, or asynchronously watching the recorded F2F / synchronous session. 

Each course is unique. Read your emails closely, check Course Explorer, and email the instructor or academic advisor if you have questions. Consider using a semester planning guide (fillable doc) to help you track when courses meet and what modality the course uses during specified times.


Each instructor has an attendance policy that is unique to his, her, or their class. Review the attendance policy described in each course syllabus, and communicate with your instructor. If your instructor asks for a verified absence letter from the Office of the Dean of Students, you can submit a request for an absence letter.

Student Success Tips for Online Learning

Plan to attend the ACES Student Success Workshops offered throughout the semester to help overcome potential challenges. Adopt a growth mindset (Dweck, 2006) and utilize research-supported strategies for success in an online learning environment. 

Here are some strategies for success in an online learning environment. 

Technology Resources

Students have access to several free software and technology resources. The Technology Loan Program is available for students who need assistance with hardware, software, or other technology to access online courses and complete assignments. The software can be purchased from the Webstore. Find answers to questions about software and services at Illinois Tech Support or email specific support resources.

  • Zoom: Many of your classes may offer a Zoom attendance option to attend class. Zoom is available to all faculty, staff, and students. You can access the software from the Illinois Zoom Portal
  • Microsoft Office 365: You have free access to the Microsoft Office 365 software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and more). The software can be downloaded on up to 5 compatible PC or Mac devices. 
  • Adobe Creative Cloud: As a student at the University of Illinois, you can download the Adobe Creative Cloud free of charge. To access this product, (1) complete the free offer on the WebStore, and (2) follow the instructions to sign in and download applications
  • Illinois Exchange Webmail: It is recommended that you check your university email account at least twice a day. Stay organized by creating folders for your emails. Reply within 48 hours if a reply is requested. 
  • Illinois Media Space: This campus media sharing platform gives you access to watch videos specific to your courses, the college and university, research, student life, and many other areas of interest and information. You can log in to Illinois Media Space using your university netID and password.
  • Google Apps: You have access to Google Apps through your University of Illinois netID and password. 
  • U of I Box: As a service to faculty and students, the University provides access to the U of I Box account. You can store files, share them with peers and professors, and collaborate on projects. 
  • Online Learning Resources: As a University of Illinois student, you have access to LinkedIn Learning and Illinois Coursera. These online learning resources can be used to learn more about specific topics of interest or acquire essential background information for a course or assignment. 
  • Illini-Alert: Sign up for the Illini-Alert to stay up-to-date on current events and emergencies at the university.



College of Business Peer Tutors Program offers trained tutors (Accountancy seniors and graduate students) free of charge to assist students who need help. You do not need an appointment.


Strategies for Studying Biology Video by Brad Mehrtens, Instructor of MCB 150 and MCB Academic Advisor.


The Chemistry Learning Center

The Chemistry Learning Center provides free tutoring services to all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in chemistry courses.

The Chemistry Learning Center


Center for Academic Resources in Engineering (CARE)

Undergraduate engineering students who've mastered course material in a set of particular courses and are eager and excited to help you gain a better understanding of the material by sharing best practices and problem-solving techniques that will help you successfully complete your courses.



Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics (ACE)

The Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics has current undergraduate students who have agreed to have their names added to this tutoring resource list. They are not directly supervised by the Department of ACE. Contact the individual tutor regarding scheduling and fees.

ACE tutoring

ECON Tutoring Center

Free service offered by the Economics Department for all students during the fall and spring semesters, starting the third week of classes. Tutors are advanced-level economics undergraduate students who meet high academic and tutoring standards. Tutors assist with general questions and concepts for a variety of courses. No appointment necessary, just stop by during our open hours.

Econ Tutoring Center


Phi Alpha Theta

Tutoring is offered by the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society.

Integrative Biology

The IB Club Integrative Illini offers free peer tutoring for a variety of IB courses. Please email for more information and a list of courses with tutors available.

Contact: integrativeillini@gmail.com


Mathematics Department Tutoring

The Mathematics Department offers both free tutoring services as well as private tutoring (for a fee). The Math/Statistics Student Support Center provides walk-in academic support and tutoring for students enrolled in a set of core introductory mathematics and statistics courses.

Math tutoring

Molecular and Cellular Biology

The MCB Learning Center

The MCB Learning Center is available to students for individual or group study sessions. Due to the pandemic, the MCB Learning Center is currently closed to students. All instructors and TAs are hosting virtual office hours and help sessions.


Center for Academic Resources in Engineering (CARE)

Undergraduate engineering students who've mastered course material in a set of particular courses and are eager and excited to help you gain a better understanding of the material by sharing best practices and problem-solving techniques that will help you successfully complete your courses.


MANRRS Peer Mentoring

The MANRRS peer-mentoring program is an opportunity for students to become a resource for one another. Many of the majors in our RSO are specific to ACES so those being mentored may want to be in ACES or be willing to work with someone with a different major.

Contact: manrrs.uiuc@gmail.com

Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA)

OMSA offers four academic services including tutoring, exam review sessions, supplemental instruction, and advanced study skills instruction. Services are available to ALL University of Illinois students.

OMSA East Academic Services

Software/computer Applications

Grammarly @edu

Grammarly @edu is an online computerized program that scans writing and provides an in-depth, extensive grammar review (complete with explanations) on more than 150 types of potential writing errors. Obtain the ACES access code by emailing your UIN to aces-academics@illinois.edu and requesting access to Grammarly. You will then receive an email invitation from Grammarly. Follow the instructions to log in.

LinkedInLearning from Technology Services at Illinois

The LinkedInLearning service from Technology Services at Illinois offers training on leading software topics including Adobe products, Apple products, Microsoft products, Drupal, video editing, audio editing, using operating systems, and much more. Many courses provide seven to eight hours of detailed information and are broken down into five- to 15-minute segments so you can stop watching at any time and easily return to where you left off.

Tutor Matching Service

Visit Tutor Matching Service at Illinois to find a list of fellow Illinois students interested in tutoring. Create an account that allows you to message tutors and schedule sessions. All payment is handled through TMS, eliminating the need to carry cash or pay in person. Please note that the Chemistry Learning Center does not verify the credentials of TMS tutors.

Writer's Workshop

The Writer’s Workshop provides an opportunity for University of Illinois students, faculty and staff from all disciplines and levels to discuss their writing with consultants who are both experienced writers and teachers of writing. 

Writer’s Workshop