University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Article 1. Name
The name of this assembly shall be the Faculty of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Article 2. Purpose
The purpose of these Bylaws is to promote the orderly conduct of the business of the College which contains the following seven departments as units:
(a) Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering;
(b) Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics;
(c) Department of Animal Sciences;
(d) Department of Crop Sciences;
(e) Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition;
(f) Department of Human Development and Family Studies;
(g) Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences.
These Bylaws supplement University Statutes. If they conflict with the Statutes, the Statutes shall prevail. In addition, Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall apply to the extent that its provisions are not inconsistent with University Statutes or these Bylaws.
Article 3. College
Section 1. Faculty
1. The Faculty of the College of ACES shall consist of those persons specified as Faculty in
Article II.3.a. (1) of the University Statute, namely, those members of the academic staff of the Units of the College who hold the rank or title of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor who are tenured or receiving probationary credit toward tenure, together with the President of the University, the Chancellor and the Provost of the Urbana-Champaign Campus, and the Dean of the College. If the definition of “Faculty” changes in the University Statutes, the definition of “Faculty” shall change in these Bylaws accordingly.
2. The Voting Faculty of the College of ACES shall consist of those members of the Faculty of the College of ACES as defined in Article III.1 of these Bylaws whose appointment totals at least twenty five percent (25%) within the units of the College as defined in Article II of these Bylaws.
3. The following members of the academic staff of the Units of the College shall have a voice at meetings of the Faculty of the College of ACES but shall not have voting rights or the power to make or second motions.
a. Members of the Faculty of the College of ACES as defined in Article III.1 of these Bylaws whose appointments total less than twenty five percent (25%) within Units of the College as defined in Article III.1 of these Bylaws.
b. Specialized faculty as defined by the Office of the Provost Communication #25, Employment Guidelines for Specialized Faculty Holding Non-Tenure System Positions.
(henceforth “Communication #25”.) However, if the definition of “Faculty” changes in the University Statutes to include individuals of these ranks, then this provision shall not apply and those individuals shall have all the rights that are granted to “Faculty” in these Bylaws.
c. Retired members of the Faculty of the College of ACES.
d. Assistant and Associate Deans of the College who are not members of the
Voting Faculty of the College of ACES.
4. Subject to the provisions of Article II.3.a of the University Statutes, nothing in this
Article shall be construed as a restriction on the right of a Unit of the College of ACES to establish its own Bylaws granting faculty privileges different from those described herein for the purposes of the internal governance of the Unit.
Section 2. Dean
The Dean is the chief executive officer of the College, responsible to the Chancellor for its administration, and is the agent of the College faculty for the execution of College educational policy. On the occasion of the appointment of a new Dean, the Chancellor shall have the advice of a committee nominated by the ACES College Executive Committee.
Section 3. Associate Deans
The academic programs shall be administered by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs.
The Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station shall be administered by the Associate Dean for Research who is also the Director of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. That person shall be appointed annually by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the Dean, the Chancellor, and the President.
University of Illinois Extension shall be administered by the Associate Dean for Extension and Outreach who shall be appointed annually by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the Dean, the Chancellor, and the President.
International programming shall be administered by the Associate Dean for International Programs.
Section 4. Department Chair or Head
The department is the primary unit of education and administration within the University. A department may be organized either with a chair or with a head. On the occasion of the appointment of a new department chair, the Dean shall have the advice of a committee nominated by the department executive committee. On the occasion of the appointment of a new department head, the Dean shall have the advice of a committee nominated by the department advisory committee.
Article 5. Faculty Meetings
Section 1. Chair
The Dean of the College shall chair faculty meetings. In the absence of the Dean, the vice-chair of the College Executive Committee shall serve as chair. In the absence of the vice-chair, the Dean shall designate a chair. The Dean or designee shall be the official custodian of all minutes and other official records of faculty meetings.
Section 2. Record Keeping
The staff of the Dean’s office shall record and keep minutes of faculty meetings, which are the official and permanent record of faculty action and debate. The designated staff members shall also:
- Keep special reports approved by the faculty;
- Maintain a current list of faculty of the College;
- Maintain a file of all current policies and procedures adopted by the faculty;
- Supervise the distribution of announcements of faculty meetings;
- Supervise the distribution of minutes of faculty meetings, as approved or amended by the faculty, to each member of the faculty within a reasonable time after each faculty meeting;
- Supervise the election process, direct the elections, announce election results, maintain files of election results, and make those files available for inspection upon request.
Electronic recordings, in addition to the written minutes, may be employed at the discretion of the Dean’s staff or when required by action of the assembly. In the latter case, the recordings shall be kept for three years.
Section 3. Regular Meetings
- The Dean shall call at least four regular meetings of the faculty during the academic year and shall announce the dates on or before October 1. The Executive Committee shall have the power to call additional meetings.
- The agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by the Dean after consulting with the Executive Committee. Any item of business specifically requested by the Dean or by the Executive Committee shall appear on the agenda. Any faculty member may request the Executive Committee to place specific items of business on the agenda. Omission of such an item from the agenda shall not prevent its introduction from the floor as new business. Items requiring faculty action that are introduced from the floor as new business shall be held over to the next regular or special meeting.
- Notice of the date, time, place, and agenda of the meeting shall be sent from the Office of the Dean to each member of the faculty at least five working days before each meeting. Notice will be sent to others only upon request.
Section 4. Special Meetings
A special meeting of the faculty may be called by the Dean or by the vice-chair of the Executive Committee to deal with matters that may arise between regular meetings and that require urgent action by the faculty of the College. Notice of the date, time, place, and agenda of the meeting shall be sent to each member of the faculty at least five working days before the meeting. Only items on the agenda may be considered.
Section 5. Quorum
Faculty members present for a regular meeting shall constitute the quorum. The quorum for a special meeting shall be 25% of the total Faculty members of the College.
Section 6. Attendance at and Participation in Meetings of the Faculty
Faculty meetings shall be open to the public but may go into executive session by majority vote of the faculty present.
- Speaking and voting privileges are specified in Article III Section 1.
- A graduate or undergraduate student who is a member of a College committee may speak concerning any aspect of the work of that committee but may not vote.
- Other interested parties not identified in Article III Section 1 may request of the faculty the privilege of the floor to speak on a matter of direct concern in an official capacity.
Section 7. Voting
Section 8. Order of Business
When a meeting is adjourned without completing its order of business and without fixing the date, time, and place of continuation, the unfinished business shall proceed at the next regular meeting after reading the minutes of the preceding meeting.
Article 5. Committees
Section 1. Committees
The College committees shall include:
- An elected executive council, called the Executive Committee;
- Standing committees selected by the departments, including the Courses and Curricula Committee and a set of policy and advisory committees: the Development and Advancement Committee, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, the Education Committee, the Extension Committee, the International Programs Committee, the Marketing and Communications Committee, and the Research Committee;
- Standing committees appointed by the Executive Committee, including the Administrator Evaluation Committee, the Promotion and Tenure Committee, and the Faculty Grievance Subcommittee.
- Special committees created by these Bylaws, by resolution of the Executive Committee or the faculty, or by action of the Dean.
Ex officio committee members shall not have voting privileges.
Section 2. Attendance at and Participation in Meetings of Committees
Executive Committee and policy and advisory committee meetings shall be open to members of the faculty but may close to go into executive session by majority vote of the committee. Faculty members may request of a committee the privilege of the floor to speak on a matter of direct concern in an official capacity.
Section 3. Executive Committee
- Duties. The Executive Committee shall:
- Serve as the primary advisory committee to the Dean;
- Advise the Provost concerning annual reappointment of the Dean;
- On its own initiative or when requested by the Dean, schedule a faculty meeting and prepare the agenda;
- Advise the Dean on budgetary matters;
a. Review the budget for the College of ACES annually
b. Advise the Dean on matters of salary and budget policy
c. Assist in addressing issues with competitiveness or equity in salaries as needed. - Coordinate the work of the standing committees;
- Act as a committee on committees to appoint or nominate members of the faculty for the Administrator Evaluation Committee, the Promotion and Tenure Committee, the Faculty Grievance Subcommittee, and for other committees at the request of the Dean or the faculty;
- Report its activities at the annual meeting of the faculty;
- Designate an ex officio liaison from its membership to each standing policy and advisory committee;
- Initiate the statutory five-year evaluation of the Dean, in cooperation with the Provost; the Executive Committee shall arrange for the selection of the Dean Evaluation Committee, adopt the procedures to be used after consulting with the Dean Evaluation Committee and the Provost, and inform the faculty of these procedures; on matters related to evaluation of the Dean, the Dean shall not be a member of the Executive Committee, and the vice-chair shall preside;
- Act on other business delegated to it by the faculty or the Dean.
- Membership. The Executive Committee shall be composed of a chair and fourteen elected faculty members.
- A faculty member who is an assistant or associate dean or a member of the ACES Dean’s administrative committee is not eligible to serve on the Executive Committee.
- The Dean shall be the chair. A vice-chair, elected by and from elected members, shall preside in the Dean's absence.
- No more than three of the fourteen elected members may be from any one of the seven departments listed in Article II.
- Of the fourteen elected members, one shall be elected from each of the seven departments, and seven shall be elected from the College at large.
- Appointees from the Extension Field Staff Advisory Committee and the Specialized Faculty Advisory Committee shall serve as non-voting members of the committee.
- Procedures.
- The chair and the vice-chair shall prepare the agenda for each meeting. The agenda shall be distributed by the Office of the Dean to each member and to each department head or chair, who shall make them available to the faculty of that department. Eight elected members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
- Faculty members may submit agenda items directly to the chair or vice-chair of the committee for consideration.
- Minutes of each meeting shall be distributed by the Office of the Dean to each member and to each department head or chair, who shall make them available to the faculty of that department.
- The Executive Committee shall establish a Faculty Grievance Subcommittee. The Faculty Grievance Subcommittee (FGS) of four members of the Executive Committee shall consider formal written grievances of faculty members in the College of ACES including specialized faculty as defined by Communication #25.
- Members of the FGS shall be elected by and from members of the Executive Committee to serve staggered two-year terms, with no two members from the same department. An additional appointee from the Specialized Faculty Advisory Committee shall serve as a non-voting member. The chair shall be elected by the FGS from second-year members at the committee’s first meeting each academic year.
- No member of the FGS may participate if the grievance involves that member's department or if a conflict of interest exists. If fewer than four members of the Executive Committee are eligible to serve, then the Dean in consultation with the Executive Committee may appoint additional faculty member(s) to the FGS.
- Any member of the faculty, including specialized faculty, may approach the FGS for assistance with problems related to faculty duties, issues of concern, or a formal grievance. The FGS may not refuse to hear a grievance. The FGS shall advise the Dean concerning formal written grievances in a timely manner consistent with the following guidelines for procedure.
- The FGS should investigate a grievance only after other appropriate avenues of appeal have been exhausted, such as the faculty member’s department grievance committee and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access. Further, faculty members submitting a grievance are informed of the inadvisability of concurrent investigations of their case by other University or external channels and the FGS.
- Formal grievances concerning the actions or policies of the unit or of another individual are to be explicitly stated in writing and filed with the administrative office of the Dean, College of ACES, which will communicate the grievance to the FGS. The appellant shall be notified of the grievance at that time by the chair of the FGS. Both the grievant and the appellant have the right to choose and be accompanied by an advisor at any and all stages of the grievance process.
- When a grievance has been filed, the FGS investigates the case and writes a report on its findings and recommendations. That report shall be communicated to the faculty member and to the Dean within 60 days of receipt of the grievance unless the FGS determines that an alternative time frame is warranted due to characteristics of the case in question. All committee deliberations are confidential.
- The Dean’s decision regarding the FGS recommendation is to be communicated in writing to the appellant and to the respondent(s) within 30 business days of receiving the FGS’s recommendation. That decision may be appealed to the UIUC Faculty Advisory Committee.
- The Executive Committee shall establish such other subcommittees as it deems necessary and appropriate.
Section 4. Specialized Faculty Advisory Committee
- Duties. The Specialized Faculty Advisory Committee shall:
- Discuss concerns of specialized faculty in the College of ACES.
- Develop ideas for professional development.
- Serve as a conduit for advice to the Dean regarding policy, compensation, and development of specialized faculty.
- Choose one member to serve as a non-voting member of the Faculty Grievance Subcommittee.
- Membership. The Specialized Faculty Advisory Committee shall be composed of at most one person from each of the departments.
- Members shall hold specialized faculty titles as defined by Communication #25 except for those modified by the terms “adjunct” or “visiting”.
- Members shall be elected by the specialized faculty within each unit. For purposes of such elections, specialized faculty with appointments in the College but not in any particular department shall be assigned a departmental affiliation by the Dean of the College.
- The Committee shall elect its own chair at the beginning of the academic year; that person shall report to the Dean at College Executive Committee meetings.
Section 5. Policy and Advisory Committees
- Duties. There shall be policy and advisory committees for development and advancement, DEI, education, extension, international programs, marketing and communication, and research in the College. Each such committee shall:
- Evaluate existing and proposed policies and practices and propose new policies and practices;
- Advise the associate dean or other administrative leader in the respective area of responsibility;
- Report its activities at the annual meeting of the faculty;
- Provide input to the Dean for the annual evaluation of the performance of the associate deans or other administrative leaders in the respective area of responsibility.
(a) The Dean shall request the input from each committee.
(b) Each committee shall meet in executive session with only members selected by departments present when writing their annual input for evaluating the performance of the associate dean or other administrative leader in the respective area of responsibility.
- Membership. Each policy committee shall be composed of one faculty member selected by each of the seven departments in a manner acceptable to the faculty of that department, an ex officio (the associate dean in the respective area of responsibility), and the Executive Committee liaison.
- A faculty member who is an assistant dean or a member of the ACES Dean’s administrative committee is not eligible to serve on policy and advisory committees. A faculty member holding the position of assistant or associate dean is not eligible to serve on policy committees, except as the ex officio administrative officer.
- Selected members shall serve for two-year terms, with about half selected each year.
- Each department may optionally appoint to each policy and advisory committee at most one non-voting member who is a specialized faulty person as defined by Communication #25 whose title is not modified by the terms “visiting” or “adjunct”.
- The Education Committee shall also include one representative of the Courses and Curricula Committee as an ex officio member, two undergraduate students selected by the College Student Council, and two graduate students appointed by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, in consultation with department heads and chairs (each of the four students to serve a one-year term.)
- The DEI Committee shall also include two undergraduate and two graduate students and one staff member; the selection process for these positions shall be determined by the Committee.
- The associate dean or other administrative leaderserving as ex officio on a policy committee shall call a meeting of the committee early in the academic year for the purpose of organization.
The chair of each committee shall be elected from selected faculty members who served on the committee during the previous academic year.
Section 5.1. Development/Advancement Committee
This committee shall advise the Assistant Dean for Development/Advancement on strategic issues, initiatives, and college-level policy/procedure matters and practices related to development, advancement, and alumni activities. It is the duty of this committee to review, evaluate, and propose policy and/or practice on:
- Fundraising initiatives (individuals, corporations, and foundations), alumni engagement activities, and associated projects;
- Involvement and participation of faculty in fundraising efforts of the College;
- Recognition of outstanding alumni and donors.
Section 5.2 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
This committee shall advise the Director of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on policies and programs related to DEI. It is the duty of this committee to review, evaluate, and propose policy, practice, and programs on matters such as:
- Assessment and improvement of College equity and climate
- Equitable resource and opportunity access
- Recruitment and retention of diverse bodies of students, faculty, and staff
- Inclusive teaching and curriculum design
- Research related to issues of equity
- Inclusivity of communications and engagement
Section 5.3 Education Committee
This committee shall advise the Associate Dean for Academic Programs on existing and proposed policy matters and practices related to undergraduate and graduate education, including those arising from the Courses and Curricula Committee. It is the duty of this committee to:
- Review, evaluate, and propose policy and practice on:
- Graduate and undergraduate educational programs of the College, including those that are delivered online, off-campus, or in collaboration with other units.
- Administration of scholarships, graduate fellowships, and other financial aid;
- Encouragement and recognition of excellence in graduate and undergraduate students;
- Matters concerning graduate and undergraduate student discipline, grievances, and student-faculty relationships;
- Fostering student diversity in graduate and undergraduate programs;
- Programs for faculty to recognize and improve teaching, advising, and mentoring;
- Student recruitment and retention initiatives;
- Study abroad programs;
- Undergraduate admission, readmission, probation, and drop actions;
- Undergraduate honors programs and College-wide undergraduate research initiatives;
- Professional development programs for graduate students;
- Training programs for graduate teaching assistants;
- Programs that foster graduate student involvement in international teaching and research.
When a meeting agenda for this committee includes a matter related to an academic program recognized by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs as being affiliated with ACES but not housed entirely within a single department, this committee shall make all efforts possible to ensure that a representative of that program is present at the meeting to provide information to the committee.
- Serve as the standing academic disciplinary committee of the College of ACES. Hearing and disciplinary procedures shall be consistent with those formulated and adopted by the Senate Conference on Conduct Governance and outlined in the latest edition of the Student Code.
Section 5.4 Extension Committee
This committee shall advise the Associate Dean for Extension and Outreach on existing and proposed policy matters and practices related to extension and outreach activities. It is the duty of this committee to review, evaluate, and propose policy and practice on:
- Allocation of funds;
- Communication and marketing of extension;
- Coordination of extension-research activities;
- Extension roles and activities of administration, state staff, and field staff;
- Production of extension programs and products.
Section 5.5 International Programs Committee
This committee shall advise the Associate Dean of ACES Office of International Programs on existing and proposed policy matters and practices related to international activities. It is the duty of this committee to review, evaluate, and propose policy and practice on:
- Allocation of funds;
- Cooperation with other units within the university and with other state, national, and international institutions and agencies;
- Coordination and integration of international activities with established policy and programs in research, education, and extension and outreach;
- Establishment of priorities for developing and selecting international programs and projects;
- Non-degree programs for foreign participants.
Section 5.6 Marketing and Communications Committee
This committee shall advise the Assistant Dean for Marketing Communications on strategic issues, initiatives, and college-level policy/procedure matters and practices related to marketing and communication activities. It is the duty of this committee to review, evaluate, and propose policy and/or practice on communication and marketing initiatives, both internal and external to the College
Section 5.7 Research Committee
This committee shall advise the Associate Dean for Research on existing and proposed policy matters and practices related to research activities. It is the duty of this committee to review, evaluate, and propose policy and practice on:
- Allocation of research funds to departments;
- Establishment of research priorities;
- Intellectual property rights;
- Interdepartmental use of research facilities managed by the Office of Research;
- Evaluation of competitive research proposals for internal funds;
Section 6. Other Standing Committees
Section 6.1. Courses and Curricula Committee
- Duties. This committee shall perform the following functions pertaining to undergraduate and graduate programs:
- Recommend policies on any other matters that are the committee's concern to the Education Committee for consideration;
- Recommend policies relating to the transfer of credits from other institutions;
- Review and act on new course proposals and the revision or deletion of existing courses;
- Review course offerings of the College and make recommendations to the faculty for changes in curricula to improve the quality of the educational program;
- Review policies and procedures for undergraduate student petitions concerning course substitutions and other exceptions to the requirements of various curricula;
- Review proposed new and revised majors and curricula and make recommendations on them to the faculty;
- Present to the faculty each year a report summarizing the activities of the committee.
- Membership. This committee shall be composed of one faculty member from each department, selected in a manner acceptable to the faculty of that department; two students elected by the College Student Council; and one academic staff member from Academic Programs as an ex officio member. The chair shall be elected by the committee from among faculty members selected by departments. The committee shall choose one member to serve as an ex officio member of the Education Committee. When a meeting agenda for this committee includes a matter related to an academic program recognized by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs as being affiliated with ACES but not housed entirely within a single department, this committee shall make all efforts possible to ensure that a representative of that program is present at the meeting to provide information to the committee.
Section 6.2. Administrator Evaluation Committee
- Duties. This committee shall perform the following functions pertaining to evaluation of administrators:
- Conduct the statutory five-year evaluation of department heads or chairs.
- Conduct an in-depth evaluation at least once every six years of associate deans in the respective areas of academic programs, extension and outreach, international programs and research.
- Recommend procedures for evaluating and for ensuring the opportunity to participate for all faculty members of the relevant department(s) and others deemed appropriate. These procedures must be approved by the Executive Committee and presented to the faculty.
- Membership. This committee shall be composed of one faculty member from each department, and shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, about half each year.
- A faculty member who is an assistant dean or a member of the ACES Dean’s administrative committee is not eligible to serve on this committee.
- Committee members shall be selected, so far as practicable, to represent extension, research, and teaching; and all faculty ranks. No committee member shall participate in the evaluation of that member's department head or chair.
- No member of the Executive Committee shall participate in selecting members of the Administrator Evaluation Committee that is scheduled to evaluate that member's department head or chair.
- Names of committee members proposed by the Executive Committee and of administrators being evaluated shall be announced at a regular College faculty meeting. The membership of the committee shall be approved by vote of the faculty at or following a faculty meeting at which nominees are presented to the faculty for discussion.
- Members shall serve staggered two-year terms. If there is no administrator evaluation anticipated for the next academic year, then terms of the members shall be extended one year. The chair shall be appointed by the Executive Committee from members who have served one year. Members may not succeed themselves.
Section 6.3. Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Duties. This committee shall perform the following functions pertaining to promotion and tenure:
- Review recommendations for promotion and tenure submitted by the executive officers of departments;
- Make recommendations for promotion and tenure to the Dean, including evaluations of each recommendation and of departmental compliance with existing policies.
- This committee does not review recommendations for promotion of Specialized Faculty. College review of such cases is conducted by the Dean with the advice of the associate deans in the College.
- Membership. This committee shall be composed of one faculty member from each department, one of whom is a member of the Executive Committee. One faculty member should also have an Extension appointment with no restriction to the percentage of that appointment.
- A faculty member who is an assistant dean or a member of the ACES Dean’s administrative committee is not eligible to serve on this committee.
- Members shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for staggered two-year terms. The chair shall be chosen by the Executive Committee.
- Procedures. The Dean shall familiarize the committee with current pertinent university and College policies that the committee must follow. The Dean shall also report to the committee the outcome of its recommendations at the College and campus levels.
Section 7. Dean Evaluation Committee
- Duties. This committee shall conduct the statutory five-year evaluation of the Dean, using procedures adopted by the Executive Committee.
- Membership. The committee shall be composed of:
- A chair who shall be (1) a tenured professor with primary appointment in a different college and (2) appointed by the Provost with concurrence of the Executive Committee.
- One faculty member from each department, one academic professional from the College, one specialized faculty member from the College who does not hold a Visiting or Adjunct appointment, and up to two students currently enrolled in a program within the College.
- Except for the chair, committee members shall be (1) nominated by the Executive Committee, and (2) approved by vote of the faculty at or following a faculty meeting at which nominees are presented to the faculty for discussion. Committee members should be nominated, so far as feasible, to represent extension, research, teaching and all faculty ranks. A member of the academic staff who is an assistant dean or a member of the ACES Dean’s administrative committee is not eligible to serve.
Article 6. Elections
Section 1. Rules
- Elections for committee membership shall take place during the Spring Semester and shall be announced to the faculty.
- For College-wide elections, eligible voters and eligible nominees shall be determined in accordance with Article III and the applicable sections of this article.
- The term of each committee member shall be for two years, beginning on the first day of the academic year following election.
- An elected member may not serve more than two consecutive terms, partial or full, on the same committee.
- A faculty member may not serve concurrently on more than one elected College committee.
Section 2. Executive Committee Elections
The Executive Committee shall have seventeen members: the Dean of the College; one elected from each department and seven elected from the College at large, with no more than three from any one department; one selected by the Specialized Faculty Committee, and the chair of the Extension Field Staff Advisory Committee.
A faculty member is eligible for nomination to the Executive Committee even if serving on another elected College committee.
Section 2.1. Faculty Members Elected from Within Departments
- Elections for the seven faculty members shall be conducted by each department during the Spring Semester of odd years, according to rules and procedures established by that department.
- Upon evidence of a vacancy, the unexpired term shall be filled according to rules and procedures established by that department.
Section 2.2. Faculty Members Elected from the College at Large
- Elections for the seven faculty members shall be conducted by the staff of the Office of the Dean during the Spring Semester of even years and supervised by the secretary of the faculty, according to rules and procedures established by the Bylaws.
- A list of eligible nominees, together with a nominating ballot, shall be distributed to the faculty. Each faculty member may nominate up to seven persons, but not more than two from any one department.
- The final election ballot shall include up to two nominees who received the highest number of nominations from each of the seven departments.
- The Dean’s Office shall ascertain that each person whose name is to appear on the election ballot intends to be on campus for at least the first academic year of the term of office and is willing to serve if elected.
- Ties shall be broken by the toss of a coin supervised by a member of the Executive Committee.
- Results of elections shall be available for inspection by any faculty member and shall be kept until those elected have completed their terms of office.
- Upon evidence of a vacancy from the College at large, the Dean’s Office shall fill the vacancy by naming the person who received the next highest number of votes in the most recent election and who is eligible and willing to complete the term of office.
Section 3. Other Committee Elections
- Each policy and advisory committee and the Courses and Curricula Committee shall have seven faculty members, one elected from each department, with about half elected each year. Elections shall be conducted during the Spring Semester according to rules and procedures established by each department.
- Upon evidence of a vacancy, the unexpired term shall be filled according to rules and procedures established by that department.
Article 7. Amendment of Bylaws
Minor amendments to these Bylaws may be developed by the Executive Committee alone. Major amendments should be initially developed by an ad hoc Bylaws Revision Committee consisting of three Faculty members appointed by the Dean, one of whom is a member of the Executive Committee and serves as liaison to that body. In both cases, the Executive Committee must endorse by majority vote any amendments to be brought to the College of ACES Faculty for a vote.
These Bylaws may be amended by a three-fifths majority of the faculty members voting. A proposed amendment shall be distributed to the faculty, and explained and discussed at a subsequent faculty meeting. The vote shall be taken by secure ballot and supervised by the Dean’s Office and the Vice-chair of the Executive Committee or designee.
Approved by the faculty of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Amended through September 2019