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Undergraduate Degrees
We offer undergraduate majors with a variety of concentrations so that you can find the exact program for you. You can also explore topics outside your major by pursuing a minor or a certificate. You may also consider pursuing a dual degree or double major if you have more than one strong interest.
Explore Undergraduate Programs
Dual Degrees
The College of ACES offers only the Bachelor of Science degree. Students may earn a degree in ACES and a degree offered by another University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign college according to campus rules. Students in other colleges should use the Concurrent Dual Degree form found on the ACES Forms and Petitions page. ACES students should contact the college office that oversees the department offering their second degree.
Double Majors
ACES students may officially declare more than one major within the College. Interested students need to obtain the Double Major form, meet with and obtain signatures of the departmental advising coordinators for both majors, and submit the completed form to the ACES Office of Academic Programs. Students must submit their application of intent to pursue a second major no later than 5 p.m. on the 10th day of classes in the term in which they expect to graduate.
Courses can count toward up to two majors maximum. Students wishing to complete a double major must earn at least 12 hours of distinct, advanced (300- and 400-level) course work in each major discipline. These hours do not include supporting coursework or technical electives.
Tuition is assessed based on the major with the differential or the highest differential as the primary major; thus, students should be aware of this impact on their tuition billing. All completed majors appear on the transcript.
Tuition and fees are direct costs charged by the university. The cost of attendance also includes indirect cost allowances for food, housing, books, supplies, and other expenses. You will not be billed by the university for these costs unless you live in university housing. Use the Illinois Cost Calculator for an estimated cost of attendance.