ACES Career Services is located in Suite 115 of the ACES Library (1101 S. Goodwin Ave, Urbana).

Drop-ins & appointments

We're here to help you explore potential careers, prepare for the job search, connect with potential employers, and get ready for graduate or professional school. 

Choosing a career that meshes with your values, skills, and interest is important. We offer several web-based tools that can help you find your career focus, and individual advising by appointment and during drop-in hours.

Our office provides students access to resources in order to explore potential career paths, research organizations, and find internship and full-time opportunities. We cover topics such as:

  • Career exploration
  • Writing resumes and cover letters
  • Interviewing
  • Attending graduate or professional school
  • Networking
  • Searching for a job or internship
  • Business etiquette

Get interview and career advice, as well as resources for finding employment:

Student resources

Learn about the jobs and graduate programs ACES students pursue:

Career outcomes

Student stories


We are also a resource for employers to schedule on-campus interviews (OCR), publicize job opportunities, and navigate the University of Illinois to recruit students for internship and full-time positions.

Career Services Information

Visit us for personal advising or learn about our career fair.
ACES Career Services is located in Suite 115 of the ACES Library (1101 S. Goodwin Ave, Urbana).