Work with younger generations to promote agriculture
Hello! My name is Kaity Spangler and I am a 2018 Agricultural Leadership and Science Education graduate. While I did graduate with a teaching degree, I decided to take a different route and work for the Illinois Farm Bureau in Bloomington, Illinois. In my current role as the MSPR Program Specialist, I have the opportunity to work with 4-H, the FFA, and Collegiate Farm Bureau programs across the state. The ALEC program at U of I prepared me for this job in so many ways. Whether it was giving me opportunities to plan events such as the Greenhand Conference or Ag Ed Day, connecting me with fantastic instructors who to this day give me advice, or teaching me how to write a lesson plan, I have used every experience as a stepping stone to become a better employee. Our ALEC program fully prepares all of its students to become the best they can be. I would not be who I am or where I am without ALEC being such an influential part of my story. I-L-L!