An internship making chocolate? DREAM JOB

I remembered touring the FSHN pilot plant my freshman year during a class and thought it was the coolest place ever. I applied for an internship during my freshman year and soon became employed. I had a lot of experience in cooking, cleaning, and using tools. At the pilot plant, I learned how we process foods from the student sustainable farm into ingredients that the dining halls on-campus use. For example, we processed tomatoes from the farm into pizza sauce for the dining halls. There is a lot of teamwork since we are always working with our peers and this develops great friendships. The students also are required to stay one summer to help process wheat, vegetables, and other foods from the farm. We get to do recipe development for the university using some of the raw materials we make. One of my favorite recipes I worked on over the summer was a whole wheat breadstick using the flour we milled from locally grown wheat. Overall, my experiences from my internship at the FSHN pilot processing plant and the integrated biology research lab prepared me for an outside internship. This summer (2020), I will be working in Milwaukee at Cargill's cocoa and chocolate plant. I'm very grateful for the experience and the staff that have helped me learn so much both in classes and at the plants.