The Dixon Springs Agricultural Center (DSAC) was established in 1934 on approximately 5,100 acres near Simpson, IL in Pope County. It is the largest experimental station of its kind east of the Mississippi River. DSAC links the laboratories and classrooms of the University of Illinois and the USDA with the farms in southern Illinois. Researchers at DSAC coordinate programs to meet the needs of area farmers.

Visit the DSAC Website

Ongoing research at DSAC is represented by University of Illinois Extension, the Department of Animal Sciences, and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Research includes observation trials of various vegetable crops in both hydroponic and in-ground raised bed production systems within high tunnels, beef cattle reproductive physiology, forest ecology, soil health, forestry policy, and invasive species control.

Research at Dixon Springs

Contact InformationImage removed.

  • Physical location:
    354 State Highway 145 N
    Simpson, Illinois 62985-9615

  • Mailing address: 
    Dixon Springs Agricultural Center
    Route 1, Box 256
    Simpson, IL 62985 
    Phone: 618-695-2441
  • For further information, you can reach us at
    618-695-2441 or by email at

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