ACES Global Food Security Graduate Fellowship
The Global Food Security Graduate Fellows award will support exceptional graduate students who are interested in conducting thesis research in a developing country, in collaboration with a mentor from an International Agricultural Research Center in the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (such as CIAT, CIMMYT, ICRISAT, IITA, ILRI, IRRI etc.) or a national research institute devoted to food and agricultural issues.
The grants have a maximum value of $12,000 for students applying for research stays of three months or longer. Fellows are required to spend a minimum of eight weeks abroad and awards would be adjusted to amount to no more than $1,000 per week abroad. Supplemental awards of up to $1,500 are available to support a visit by the student’s College of ACES advisor to the international research site. We expect to support 2 or 3 Fellows per year.
The Global Food Security Fellowships are made possible through a generous gift from Arlys Conrad.
View previous Food Security Fellows
Status: We are not currently accepting proposals for the Global Food Security Graduate Fellowship award. Check back Fall 2025.
ACES International Graduate Grants
ACES International Graduate Grants are intended to fund international activities undertaken by Graduate Students in the College of ACES. Applicants may request funds of up to $4,000 per proposal to support international research opportunities. Applicants must be graduate students in programs housed in the College of ACES to be eligible.
As part of a competitive process, awards are given to students who require international travel as part of dissertation research, thesis research, or some other significant research project.
These awards have been made possible through generous donors including Bill and Mary Lee Dimond, Robert and Barbara Ayre, and the Arlys Conrad Endowment fund.
View previous international grant recipients
Status: We are currently accepting proposals. The deadline is March 28, 2025. View the Call for Proposals.