Jason Kandume, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, “A Contextual Engineering Approach to Kalahari Melon Oil Processing” (Namibia) advised by Ann-Perry Witmer Read blog post.
Madison Levine, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, “Enhancing Agriculture Resilience: Financial Tools and Risk Preferences Among Smallholder Farmers in Kenya” advised by Sarah Janzen
Jess Mingee, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, “Synthesizing Community Needs with International Development Organization Demands Towards Project Objectives: A Case of Zambia”
Ikechukwu Nnaji, Crop Sciences, “Photosynthesis in Soybean (Glycine max L.): Have Indigenous Practices Shaped Efficiency in Tropical Genotypes” (Nigeria) advised by Stephen Long
Read research report:
Xochilth Saldana, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, “Investigating the Effect of Conservation Practices on Zinc Uptake by Crops and Water Quality” (Mexico) advised by Prasanta Kalita
Tani Akinbode, Human Development and Family Studies, “Examining the Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on the Maternal-Child Relationship based on Relationship Violence Typologies: A Cross-Cultural Dyadic Analysis in the U.S. and Nigeria,” advised by Jennifer Hardesty
Beth Bangert, Animal Sciences, “Genetic Improvement of Livestock in Tanzania for Improved Nutrition, Food and Income Security,” advised by Matthew Wheeler Read blog post.
Devin Edmonds, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, “Conservation Genetics of the Endangered Poison Frog Mantella cowanii” (Madagascar), advised by Michael Dreslik Read blog post.
Abrory Pramana, Nutritional Sciences, “Functional study of bioactive compound from origin isolate of microalgae (Haemotococcus pluvialis) from Indonesia on mice model of colorectal cancer,” advised by Hong Chen
Shaymae Senhaji, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, "Farmer pest and pollinator management decisions in times of crisis” (Lebanon), advised by Shadi Atallah
Grant Witynski, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, "The implications of competition over habitat and insect prey resources for the conservation of resident and overwintering migratory nightjar species in Oaxaca, Mexico," advised by Mike Ward
Anna Bereczki, Crop Sciences, “Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) trapping and monitoring system in maize fields in Africa” (Kenya/Rwanda) advised by Nicholas Seiter
Devin Edmonds, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, “Improving amphibian conservation in Madagascar through the Mantella cowanii Action Plan” advised by Michael Dreslik Read blog post.
Madhulika Krishnaswamy, Human Development and Family Studies, “Perceptions of Doctors and Nurses in an Indian Maternity Hospital on Fathers’ Involvement During Pregnancy and Birth” advised by Kelly Bost and Brent McBride
Emily Lawson-Bulten, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, “Effects of Increased Community Agency through Water Infrastructure Design on Disaster Resiliency” (Honduras) advised by Ann Witmer
Alix Naugler, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, “The Impact of Firm Dynamics on Consumer Suspicion and Firm Competitiveness: Evidence from Tanzania” advised by Sarah Janzen and Hope Michelson Read blog post.
Frederick Nyanzu, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, “Effect of Mobile Money Services of Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Countries: Evidence from Ghana” advised by Kathy Baylis
AJ Taylor, Food Sciences and Human Nutrition, "Use of NIR and Hyperspectral chemical imaging to model sensorial data of cacao from growing regions in Ecuador” advised by Nikki Engeseth
Fidele Abedi, Food Sciences and Human Nutrition, "Mathematical based optimization of rice drying to improve drying duration and head rice yield” (India) advised by Pawan Takhar
Caleb Bruhn, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, "Recast seepage as an irrigation resource through informed canal design" (Sierra Leone) advised by Richard Cooke
Tianying Cai, Human Development and Family Studies, "Everyday dynamics between interpersonal stress and adolescents’ sleep: A daily diary study in a Chinese public high school" advised by Kelly Tu
Daljeet Dhaliwal, Crop Sciences, "Data-driven understanding of processing sweet corn yield variability" (New Zealand) advised by Martin Williams and Aaron Hager
Jesann Gonzalez Cruz, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, "Frog-laden identities? Cultural Symbology Amidst Amphibian Decline in Puerto Rico and Beyond" advised by McKenzie Johnson Read blog post.
Kwabena Krah, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, “Mineral extraction, vegetation cover loss and child's growth: Evidence from Ghana,” advised by Dr. Hope Michelson
Nicole Lee, Crop Sciences, “Improving extension workers' numeracy skills to enhance the decision-making process for crop protection in Mozambique,” advised by Dr. Adam Davis
Katia Nakamura Lam, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, “The effectiveness of funding for protected areas: A case study of ecological and socio-economic impacts in Peru,” advised by Dr. Daniel Miller
Yuhei Nakayama, Crop Sciences, “Optimizing a biochemical tool to enable global evaluation of phosphorus recycling in agroecosystems using Japanese volcanic soils,” advised by Dr. Andrew Margenot
Benjamin Norton, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, “Machine Learning for the Detection of Fertilizer Adulteration in Developing Countries,” (Tanzania), advised by Dr. Hope Michelson
Lucas Roberts, Crop Sciences, “Improvement of Water-Use Efficiency and its Correlation to Drought Tolerance in Maize,” (Mexico), advised by Dr. Anthony Studer
Chi Ta, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, “Does the persistence of incentives enhance or undermine their impact?: An empirical study of an energy efficiency rebate program in Vietnam,” advised by Dr. Don Fullerton
Hania Taha, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, “Feasibility of a neoadjuvant carbohydrate-restricted, high-fat diet to improve outcomes in head and neck cancer: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial” (Jerusalem), advised by Dr. Anna Arthur
Marshal White, Crop Sciences, “Balancing economic and environmental sustainability outcomes for smallholder rice farmers in Peru,” advised by Dr. Cameron Pittelkow
Martin Overholt, Animal Sciences, “Determination of sources of variability in pork quality in the Dutch swine production system” --The Netherlands (advisor Anna Dilger)
Lakisha David, Human Development and Family Studies, “Northern Ghana Family Reunification Project” (advisor Christy Lleras)
Pablo Ordoñez, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, “Short-Term Crops and Adoption of Coffee Agroforestry Systems: Evidence from a Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) Program in Nicaragua” (advisor Kathy Baylis)
Yushu Xia, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, “Improving Agricultural Nitrogen Models for Nitrogen Management Assessment at a Field Spatial Scale” – France (advisor Michelle Wander)
Shah-Al Emran, Crop Sciences, “Optimization of the environmental footprint of rice based cropping system to obtain food security in Bangladesh” (advisor Cameron Pittelkow)
Hania Taha, Food Science and Human Nutrition, “Feasibility of a neoadjuvant modified-ketogenic diet clinical trial to improve cancer outcomes in gastrointestinal and head and neck cancers” – Palestine (advisor Anna Arthur)
Anna Waller, Food Science and Human Nutrition, “Dietary and nutritional assessment of rural Maasai families in Tanzania” (advisor Juan Andrade)
Luis Ibarra Sanchez, Food Science and Human Nutrition, “The effect of adding antimicrobials to Queso Fresco on Latino consumers’ acceptance” – Mexico (advisor Michael Miller)
Xi Chen, Human Development and Family Studies, “Real-time effects of maternal behavior on preschoolers’ functioning in a challenging problem-solving task: A cross-cultural study in the US and China” (advisor Nancy McElwain)
Patrese Anderson, PhD student in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics advised by Dr. Kathy Baylis: “The effects of labor market allocation decisions on household food security” (Zambia)
Anna Fairbairn, MS student in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics advised by Dr. Hope Michelson: “Supply chains and fertilizer quality in Tanzania”
Edward Martey, PhD student in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics advised by Dr. Alex Winter-Nelson: “Trader sorting and farmers’ preferences for improved soybean varieties in Ghana”
Dennis Humberto Pinto Padilla, MS student in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition advised by Dr. Nicki Engeseth: “Development of optimal conditions to produce quality chocolate in tropical regions such as Honduras”
Halie Rando, PhD student in the Department of Animal Sciences advised by Dr. Anna Kukekova: “Identifying the genetic architecture of fox behavioral traits” (collaborating with a lab in Sweden)
Meng-Chun Tseng, PhD student in the Department of Crop Sciences advised by Dr. Cameron Pittelkow:“Assessing challenges and opportunities for sustainable intensification of rice cropping systems in Uruguay”
Liana Acevedo-Siaca, PhD student in Crop Sciences advised by Dr. Steven Long: “Identifying differences in photosynthetic efficiency within the 5 subpopulations of Oryza sativa and use of candidate gene association mapping for targeted plant improvement”
Benjamin Bohrer, PhD student in Animal Sciences advised by Dr. Dustin Boler: “Development of quality standards for the Dominican Republic beef industry”
Anna Fairbairn, a MS student in Agricultural and Consumer Economics advised by Dr. Hope Michelson:“Mineral Fertilizer Quality: Implications for markets and small farmers in Tanzania”
Cagla Giray, a PhD student in Human Development and Family Studies advised by Dr. Gail M. Ferguson: “Coparenting with an AmeriTurk: Parental remote acculturation discrepancies and co-parental relationship in Turkish divorced parents”
Andres Ham Gonzalez, a PhD student in Agricultural and Consumer Economics advised by Dr. Kathy Baylis: “The consequences of minimum wage policy in a developing country: Evidence from Honduras”
In Iok Kong, a PhD student in Food Science and Human Nutrition advised by Dr. Yong-Su Jin: “Genetic engineering of yeasts isolated from nature and characterization of their feasibility for value-added product production”
Emely Lopez Barrera, a MS student in Food Science and Human Nutrition advised by Dr. William Helferich: “Development and evaluation of spiced-vinegar 'Sawsawan' as a vehicle for Iron fortification in Negros Island, Philippines”
Katia Nakamura, a MS student in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences advised by Dr. Daniel Miller: "Mapping the funding landscape for biodiversity conservation in Peru"
Aditya Shrinivas, a PhD student in Agricultural and Consumer Economics advised by Dr. Kathy Baylis:"Evaluation of Public Distribution System in India as a social safety net and food security program"
Elizabeth Sloffer, a PhD student in Food Science and Human Nutrition advised by Dr. Juan Andrade: "Gender, nutrition, and agriculture linkages in rural Honduras"
Michael Stablein, a MS student in Agricultural and Biological Engineering advised by Dr. Yuanhui Zhang: "Production of valuable algal biomass through recovery of aqueous nutrients in hydrothermally liquefied Brazilian agricultural waste"
Elizabeth Villegas, a PhD student in Human Development and Family Studies advised by Dr. Angela Wiley: "Parental and environmental impacts of Hispanic health disparities: Finding solutions through Abriendo Caminos in Puerto Rico”
Kirsten Berding, PhD student in Nutritional Sciences advised by Dr. Sharon Donovan, “Establishing a gnotbiotic piglet model to study mechanisms of microbiome-gut-brain-axis in ADHD.” She will use the funds for travel to the Czech Republic to gain hands-on experience at the Laboratory of Gnotobiology in order to establish a similar facility at the University of Illinois.
Jessica Brandt, a PhD student in Animal Sciences advised by Dr. Al Roca, “Development of effective markers for estimating population size of Sumatran rhinoceroses from non-invasively collected dung samples.” She will use the funds for travel to Indonesia to test dung samples and train the local researchers in effective methods of monitoring rhino populations.
Gloria Casas Bedoya, a PhD student in Animal Sciences advised by Dr. Hans Stein, “Carbohydrate composition of rice co products and effects of Xylanese on energy digestibility in pigs.” She will use the funds for travel to Denmark for training in a world renowned carbohydrates laboratory.
Shashank Gaur, a PhD student in Food Science and Human Nutrition advised by Dr. Juan Andrade,“Development of a ‘Sagar Poshan,’ a lipid-based nutrient supplement to address malnutrition in India.” He will use the funds to conduct applied research in India at one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the world.
Antonio Celis Murillo, a PhD student in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences advised by Dr. Michael Ward, “Quantifying broad-scale songbird migration patterns in the Yucatan Peninsula and Cuba to identify conservation priorities in the Gulf of Mexico.” He will use the funds for equipment, travel, and lodging to monitor migratory songbirds in Cuba. This work will contribute to enhanced targeting of land conservation in Cuba.
Alex Park, a PhD student in Crop Sciences advised by Dr. Adam Davis, “Employing mixed statistical methods to improve precision development aid application.” He will use the funds for supplies and travel to Nepal where he will collect images and soil samples that can be analyzed to help target agricultural development efforts in the country.
Hemant Pullabhotla, a PhD student in Agricultural and Consumer Economics advised by Dr. Kathy Baylis, “Adoption and impact of postharvest technology on farmer welfare in India.” He will use the funds for three trips to India to conduct a baseline survey of smallholder farmers in order to better understand the constraints to their use of technologies to address postharvest losses.
Marin Thompson, a MS student in Agricultural and Consumer Economics advised by Dr. Kathy Baylis,“Post-harvest loss as a loss in value: evidence from a randomized control trial in India.” She will use the funds to cover travel expenses for three trips to India to implement and conduct surveys of buyers of grain in order to better understand how quality is valued and might be affected by postharvest technologies.
Yijie Xiong, a PhD student in Agricultural and Biological Engineering advised by Dr. Richard Gates,“Using U.S. model to facilitate the adoption of modern nutrient management planning in China.” She will use the funds to travel to China for sample collection and testing.