
ACES Career Services offers career-directed advising by appointment. You can make an appointment by email or you can attend our drop-in hours to have your resume and cover letter reviewed. For more details about appointments, drop-ins, and mock interviews, visit our Drop-ins & Appointments page.

ACES Internship Guide

Handshake @ Illinois

Handshake @ Illinois is the online system that connects you to job opportunities, job shadow programs, internships, interviews, career fair information, and recruiting events hosted by ACES Career Services. You can see a limited number of postings on our Twitter feed. Check ACES + LAS Career Fair for more information.
Social: Twitter

Handshake Login

ACES Student Use Handshake Policy

The use of Handshake @ Illinois is a privilege for our students. Students are required to be honest with their information. If their status changes (GPA, major, seeking employment, etc.) they should take steps to correct the information. If any student is found in breach of the student code, they may be disciplined. This can include losing Handshake privileges.