Web Site Aids Home Gardeners

June 9, 2003
URBANA—The next time the lettuce leaves in your backyard garden turn yellow or tiny, multi-legged creatures frolic on your tomato vines help may only be a mouse click away thanks to a new feature on University of Illinois Extension’s Urban Programs Resource Network. “Common Problems for Vegetable Crops” is the addition.
“It focuses on problems that home gardeners typically encounter with 21 common vegetable crops,” explained Jane Scherer, U of I Extension urban programs specialist. “You can search the information in one of two ways; first, by the vegetable and, second, by the disease or pest.
“Many of the pages include pictures of the disease or pest so you can compare what is in your garden with what is on the screen.”
The feature was designed by Maurice Ogutu and Jim Schuster, both U of I Extension horticulture educators based at the Countryside Extension Center in Cook County.
The site’s address is: http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/vegproblems .