The College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) Future Interdisciplinary Research Explorations (FIRE) award program receives funding from the ACES Office of Research. This grant encourages creativity and interdisciplinary collaboration between ACES faculty and other research partners to conduct research to generate/gather preliminary data and results for use in obtaining external funding. Inter- or intra-departmental/college collaboration is expected. This year’s call is open to all tenure- and nontenure-track faculty of all ranks. The Lead Principal Investigator (PI) must have a primary appointment within ACES.

The program solicits outstanding interdisciplinary team research proposals to initiate new and enhance existing collaborations among faculty. The expected product of the FIRE seed grant program is a fundable interdisciplinary research proposal. The lead Principal Investigator must be a faculty member within ACES.

The aims of FIRE proposals are for faculty to:

  • Develop exploratory research ideas that require the involvement of multiple disciplines
  • Identify a research theme or question that gives coherence to the project and relates to the scope of programs within ACES
  • Collect preliminary data or other relevant information to address research questions
  • Prepare, develop, and submit research proposals for external funding

Projects are expected to fall within or integrate the following priority research areas:

  1. Plant health and production and plant products
  2. Animal health and production and animal products
  3. Food safety, nutrition, and health
  4. Bioenergy, natural resources, and environment
  5. Agriculture systems and technology
  6. Agriculture economics and rural communities
  7. Human development and family wellbeing
  8. Other crosscutting Hatch-eligible themes

The FY2026 RFP and FAQ documents are now available. The deadline for submission of FIRE proposals is March 3, 2025 by 5:00 PM CT. Submit proposals online through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (OVCRI) Special Programs site. Questions? Contact Barbara Godlew at in the ACES OR for additional information.


Start the FIRE grant application process