A partnership has been established between the Office of International Programs and the Ministry of Science and Technology in Argentina (MINCYT). The MINCYT-UIUC Partnership Grant Program is designed to support scientific and technological research projects by providing financial support to joint projects between our faculty and Argentinean scientists.

Past Grant Programs


Dr. John Killefer - Professor for the Department of Animal Sciences, was awarded a MINCYT-UIUC Partnership  grant for his research entitled, "Enhancing productivity and product quality of grazing beef production systems through strategic supplementation at finishing and post-mortem aging." Dr. Killefer's project is a joint collaboration with Argentinean Co-PI, Dr. Francisco Santini. This grant is for three years.

Dr. Manfredo Suefferheld - Assistant Professor for the Department of Crop Sciences was also awarded a MINCYT-UIUC Partnership grant for his research entitled, " Role of importance of gut microflora of insect pests to tolerate soybean defenses against herbivores." Dr. Suefferheld's project is also a joint collaboration with Argentinean C-PI, Dr. Jorge Zavala.