2019 Certified Livestock Manager training workshops

URBANA, Ill. - The 2019 Certified Livestock Manager Training workshops, will be held in 11 locations throughout the state, beginning Jan. 30 in Springfield and concluding Feb. 28 back in Springfield. The University of Illinois Extension workshops provide Illinois livestock producers the manure management training they need to meet the requirements of the state's Livestock Management Facilities Act.
The Livestock Management Facilities Act requires facilities with 300 or more animal units to have at least one employee certified in proper manure handling procedures. For facilities with 300 to 999 animal units, at least one employee must attend a workshop or pass the Illinois Department of Agriculture's Certified Livestock Manager exam. Employees of facilities with 1,000 or more animal units must do both to achieve certification.
Please note that all workshops begin at 9 a.m. with the exception of the Jan. 30 training at the Illinois Pork Expo which will start at 12:30 p.m. All trainings will take 3 1/2 hours with the IDOA exam administered after the training.
2019 Workshop dates and locations are as follows:
January 30 - (starts at 12:30 p.m., pre-register to receive free box lunch); Bank of Springfield Center, 1 Convention Center Plaza, Springfield
January 31- U of I Extension-Effingham County, 1209 North Wenthe Drive, Effingham
February 5 - The Holiday Motel and Restaurant, 1300 S West St, Olney
February 6 - U of I Extension-Franklin County, 1212 Route 14 West, Benton
February 7 - Paul’s United Church of Christ, 330 N Buhrman, Nashville
February 12- U of I Extension/Pike County Farm Bureau Bldg, 1301 E Washington, Pittsfield
February 13 - U of I Extension-Clinton County, 1163 North 4th Street, Breese
February 19 - Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau, 1000 N Main St., Monmouth
February 20- Stephenson County Farm Bureau Bldg, 210 W. Spring St, Freeport
February 21- DeKalb County Farm Bureau Bldg, 1350 W. Prairie Drive, Sycamore
February 28 - Illinois Department of Ag Bldg. Auditorium, State Fairgrounds, Springfield
Each workshop will offer a general curriculum designed to keep producers current on the latest industry practices. The curriculum covers the basics of nutrient management as well as new technologies, research, and trends, so producers who have completed the training and are renewing their certification will benefit.
Producers are encouraged to preregister at least two weeks prior to ensure a seat for the session that fits their schedule. To register, call 217-244-9687 or register online at go.illinois.edu/clm. The cost is $35. If more than one employee from the same farm signs up, each additional registration will cost $25. Lunch will not be offered, but coffee and snacks will be provided. However, a box lunch will be provided by Illinois Pork Producers for producers that pre-register be the January 30 workshop at the Illinois Pork Expo.)
The current training manual used for Certified Livestock Manager Training is the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Curriculum. This curriculum is available for free online at go.illinois.edu/manual. If you have a manual or CD that is older than 2003, you should check the website for information for update options. IDOA CLM Exam questions are taken directly from this manual. Some of this curriculum will be covered during the workshops. However, it is impossible to cover all of the exam material in one workshop, so acquiring and reviewing the manual in advance is highly recommended.
Please visit the Certified Livestock Managers Training webpage at go.illinois.edu/clm for more information about registration, manuals, online training options, and other resources.
Producers and employees also have the option of taking five online quizzes. Passing these is the equivalent of having attended a workshop, but does not substitute for passing the state administered Certified Livestock Manager exam. Registration is open for the CLM Online Training Program at go.illinois.edu/clm. There is no charge to take the online quizzes other than the cost of a manual.