
The 2014 Global Academy built on existing partnerships with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the University of The Philippines, Los Baños.
Dr. Patrick Brown, Crop Sciences
Dr. Benjamin Crost, Agricultural and Consumer Sciences
Dr. Paul Davidson, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Dr. Erik Sacks, Crop Sciences
Mr. N. Dennis Bowman, ACES Extension
Dr. Nathan Schroeder, Crop Sciences
Dr. Pawan Singh Takhar, Food Science and Human Nutrition
Dr. Lulu Rodriguez, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
“The ACES Global Academy will have a long-term impact on my professional career. Since the immersion trip, I have already been invited back to the University of Philippines, Los Banos to teach a short course, and I am in discussions with the International Rice Research Institute to combine my group’s mathematical modeling expertise with their experimental expertise to study textural changes in rice during cooking.” Dr. Pawan Singh Takhar, Food Science and Human Nutrition