FSHN professor Yong-Su Jin named University Scholar

Yong-Su Jin, a professor of food science and human nutrition, is among the five University of Illinois professors who have been named University Scholars in recognition of their excellence in teaching, scholarship and service.
Jin applies food biotechnology to address the needs of a rapidly increasing world population. He uses metabolic engineering and synthetic biology approaches to optimize genetic and regulatory processes within cells for increasing production of target products while minimizing byproducts and waste.
His research program seeks to develop computational and experimental tools for the rapid and precise engineering of microbial cells, to construct optimized microbial strains with these tools and to employ the engineered microorganisms to promote human health and well-being.
Begun in 1985, the University Scholars program recognizes faculty excellence and provides $15,000 to each scholar for each of three years to enhance his or her academic career. The money may be used for travel, equipment, research assistants, books or other purposes.