Orr Agricultural Center’s field day continues U of I Agronomy Days events

URBANA, Ill. — As summer 2023 marches on, so do the events of Agronomy Days at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, a season-long series providing practical, research-based information that can improve yield, input management, and sustainability on the farm.
When farmers peruse the calendar of events, they’ll find a July 19 field day at the Orr Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center, located an hour east of Springfield in Pike County. The free event features presentations by College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) researchers and University of Illinois Extension specialists during plot tours on the farm.
This year’s Orr field day will feature advice from Giovani Preza Fontes on nitrogen management; a discussion of ag policies from Aaron Hager; updates on red crown rot disease and insect management from Carl Bradley and Nick Seiter, respectively; thoughts on timing cover crop planting from Nathan Johanning; and projections for the 2023 corn and soybean season from Emerson Nafziger.
“This year’s field day continues to provide new and relevant information for farmers in West Central Illinois. Participants will hear about new and ongoing research at the university and will walk away with tools to understand crop and pest management better,” says Luke Merritt, research specialist in the Department of Crop Sciences at ACES and the Orr Center.
The event runs from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., with lunch following the plot tours. Attendees must RSVP by email (lukem@illinois.edu) or phone (217-236-4911). Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for Certified Crop Advisors (CCA) will be offered.
The Orr Center is located at 37804 State Hwy 104 in Baylis, approximately 4 miles northwest of Perry. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., with wagon tours starting promptly at 9 a.m.
Information on additional July events, including a perennial soil health field day, a hemp research open house, and the Northwestern Illinois Research Center Field Day, can be found at the Agronomy Days calendar.