U of I celebrates National Nutrition Month with ‘a world of flavors’

URBANA, Ill. – March is National Nutrition Month, and dietetics and nutrition students and organizations across the University of Illinois campus use this opportunity to share their passion with the community.
National Nutrition Month is an educational and informational campaign sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This year’s theme is “Celebrate a World of Flavors.” The overall message encourages you to incorporate your favorite cultural foods and traditions, as well as to eat healthful foods from all food groups.
Everyone is welcome to celebrate National Nutrition Month by attending the annual National Nutrition Month Fair on Monday, March 7, from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Student Dining & Residential Programs Building (SDRP). Students from the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Communication in Nutrition (FSHN 329) course will be hosting fun and interactive booths on the latest nutrition topics for college students, including Eating for Exercise and on a Budget, Meal Planning, Intuitive Eating, Flexitarian Eating, Alcohol, Cannabis, and Nutrition, Supporting Gut Health, and Nutrition for COVID-19 Prevention and Recovery. Dining Services’ booth will highlight their sustainability initiatives and the campus dining halls Eatsmart Program. Also, registered dietitians from McKinley Health Center will teach students how to balance the food on their plates.
Stop by for free food samples, games, prizes, engaging activities, and much more!
University of Illinois Dining Services will also have food sampling events throughout March, including pop-up “test”aurants, a food vendor expo, how to make pre- and post-workout snacks, and plant-based nutrition booths in the residence halls. Check out more U of I National Nutrition Month happenings on the events calendar.
Regardless of your nutritional IQ, National Nutrition Month offers the opportunity for everyone to increase their awareness and celebrate the joys of healthy eating. For more information about the National Nutrition Month Fair, please contact Justine Karduck, Director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics.