ACES alumni board supporting the best and brightest

Since 1978, the Jonathan Baldwin Turner (JBT) Scholar program has recognized a group of talented students each year from the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. In the fall of 2021, the college re-envisioned its prestigious JBT program. Today, JBT scholars receive a renewable, merit-based scholarship, but more than financial support, the program provides unique professional development opportunities to prepare future leaders in diverse fields.
Eight years ago, the ACES Alumni Board established a JBT Scholarship as a collaborative effort, enabling current and past board members to come together to support a JBT student. Since then, the board has remained committed to supporting the JBT program. This year, their impact was particularly significant, as they supported two students in meaningful ways, Allanah Martin and Cora Dittmar.
Allanah Martin, a senior majoring in Nutrition and Health in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, reflected on her experience as a JBT scholar.
“JBT has provided me with a community within the College of ACES that has challenged me to think outside of the box,” Martin said.
Cora Dittmar, a sophomore studying Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications with a focus on Agricultural Education, emphasized the program’s personal and professional benefits.
“The JBT program has greatly impacted me, helping with the financial burdens of college and giving me access to opportunities for professional development. I have also enjoyed the support of my cohort, where I have made lifelong friends that I wouldn’t have without JBT to introduce us to each other. I am thankful for the impact of the JBT program, and for all those who have contributed to making it possible,” said Dittmar.
“Being able to make a real difference in students’ lives is what continues to encourage me to continue to give back,” said Kirk Builta, the former ACES Alumni Board president and current JBT Alumni Board scholarship liaison. “The JBT Program is a fantastic way for alumni and ACES friends to support the best and brightest.”
Builta and the ACES Alumni Board are excited about the recent updates to the JBT Scholar program, which have enhanced its impact on students.
The program will continue its legacy of recruiting and developing future leaders committed to ACES and the land-grant mission. Now a sophomore-senior program, JBT scholars receive a $2,500 award during their sophomore and junior years and a $3,000 award during their senior year, with cohorts of around 30 scholars selected annually.
Students also engage in leadership development coursework, participate in enrichment events, and develop connections with donors and alumni.
The ACES Alumni Board has demonstrated how a group effort can allow many donors to come together to make a meaningful impact by contributing to support JBT students.
“Whether as part of a team or through an individual gift, there are many ways to get involved and support the JBT program, ensuring its continued success for future generations,” Builta said. “It’s amazing to see us as the alumni board come together to make one big difference.”
Builta encourages those interested in joining this effort to contribute online by entering "ACES Alumni Association Board JBT Scholarship Fund - 11339124" in the gift designation box. To explore establishing your own JBT scholarship, contact the College of ACES Office of Advancement at 217-333-9355 or