Program Set for Small Grains Twilight Field Day

June 10, 2003
URBANA--Growing and marketing small grains will be the focus of the Small Grains Twilight Field Day on June 24 at the Northern Illinois Agronomy Research Station, 14509 University Rd in Shabbona.
The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a light supper, while Jim Quinton, director of the Illinois Wheat Association, provides a "Small Grains Market Outlook." Michael Richolson, district conservationist, for the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, will discuss "Fitting Small Grains into the Farm Bill."
Quality Traders Incorporated will provide insight into "Niche Markets for Small Grains." Fred Kolb, small grains breeder at the University of Illinois, will round out the evening at the small grains research plots with a discussion of "Small Grain Varieties and Diseases." This program is co-sponsored by University of Illinois Extension in DeKalb County, the USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service, and the Illinois Wheat Association. There is a $10 registration fee ($5.00 for Illinois Wheat Association members).
The event has been certified for 1.5 Crop Management Certified Crop Advisor Credits. For more information or to register, please contact U of I Extension in DeKalb County at (815)758-8194.